Boycott Eurovision – Film Screening and Talk

Forget Eurovision, watch this instead!

Join us for a screening of John Greyson ’s surrealist camp docu-opera about BDS, pinkwashing, and gay penguins: PHOTO BOOTH

🎤 We will begin with a short talk about why LGBTQIA+ groups around the world are calling for a boycott of Eurovision

📅 Thursday 9 May 2024
⏰ Doors 18:30, Film starts at 19:00
📍 Biergarten Jockel, Ratiborstraße 14c, 10999 Berlin
💰 Bring cash for the soli-kasse – all donations go to support our friends and their families in Gaza

More about the film:

Watch the Photo Booth Trailer on Vimeo (login required)

Watch a Q&A with the director on YouTube

Dir. John Greyson, Canada, 2022 (110 minutes)

Outraged by the 2021 bombing of Gaza, Palestinian queer activists Hamza (Sam Al Esai) and Walid (Ramzi Zain) recruit novelist Jean Genet (John Gilbert) to sabotage the Eurovision song contest in Jericho. Their method? Secure the collaboration of Buddy and Pedro, Toronto’s famous naked gay penguins…

The emergence of queer BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) as a dynamic Palestinian-led global movement is brought to vivid life through interviews and actions, opera and agitprop, protests and pranks. Recounting fifteen years of passionate activism in Toronto and worldwide, Photo Booth juxtaposes a surreal operatic narrative with documentary scenes that explore pride and pink-washing, gay soldiers and homo-nationalism, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid, and the accelerating weaponization of anti-Semitism.

Queer activists Ghadir Shafie, Judith Butler, Ali Abunimah, and others recount the victories and set-backs of this emerging social justice movement. In his final performance, John Gilbert plays a bewildered Genet, attempting to engage with the digital queer activism of a new century, trying to navigate his way through the diverse challenges of megaphones and photo booths, twelve-tone and split-screen, frisbees and teargas, Gaga and Gaza, solidarity and silence…

Content Advisory: male nudity
Language: The film is mostly in English, parts featuring other languages are subtitled in English.

Mask-wearing at this event is encouraged. If you are feeling sick or have tested positive for Covid-19, we ask that you please stay home in order to care for fellow community members.

Furia Queer!
 Perspectivas queer sobre el extractivismo

a poster with an illustration showing colorful homes and people. They are holding signs in spanish

04.07.2023 – 19:00
 @ Spreefeld Berlin Raum 2
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin (map)

Im Rahmen einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen zur Internationalistischen Queer Pride @iqpberlin laden die Kollektive @facqberlin, @colectivo.mawvn, @quarcberlin

En el marco del @iqpberlin y una serie de eventos durante este mes, los colectivos @facqberlin, @colectivo.mawvn, @quarcberlin y les invitan al conversatorio „Perspectivas queer sobre el extractivismo“. Tendremos como invitades a dos personas del Wallmapu (territorio mapuche actualmente conocido como el sur de chile y argentina): Eli Wewentxu, musicx y activista en el territorio y a Kütral Vargas Huaiquimilla escritora trans y artista visual , quienes nos contarán sobre sus experiencias y perspectivas políticas respecto al extractivismo, considerando la defensa de su cuerpo y territorio. El conversatorio será híbrido, es decir les invitados estarán via zoom desde Wallmapu pero en Berlín estaremos de forma presencial escuchando y compartiendo con elles.


Entrada gratuita
Quédate a conversar y tomar algo después del conversatorio.
El espacio es accesible en silla de ruedas y hay un aseo sin barreras en el edificio al lado.
El evento será en español, pero tendremos traducción simultánea al alemán y al inglés (con auriculares).

🎨 @alekamedina @laschatitas_

Furia Queer! Queere Perspektiven auf Extraktivismus

a poster with an illustration showing colorful homes and people. They are holding signs in spanish04.07.2023 – 19:00 @ Spreefeld Berlin Raum 2
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin (map)

Im Rahmen einer Reihe von Veranstaltungen zur Internationalistischen Queer Pride @iqpberlin laden die Kollektive @facqberlin, @colectivo.mawvn, @quarcberlin und zu einem Panel zu queeren, antikolonialen Perspektiven auf Extraktivismus ein. Wir werden zwei Gäste aus Wallmapu (Territorium der Mapuche, auch bekannt als der Süden Chiles und Argentiniens) online begrüßen: den Musiker und Aktivist Eli Wewentxu und die trans* Autorin und bildende Künstlerin Kütral Vargas Huaiquimilla. Beide werden uns über ihre Erfahrungen und politischen Perspektiven in Bezug auf Extraktivismus berichten und über die Verteidigung ihrer Körper und ihres Territoriums sprechen.

Der Eintritt ist frei
Ihr seid eingeladen, gerne nach der Veranstaltung noch auf ein Gespräch und ein Getränk zu bleiben! 🍹
Der Raum ist für Nutzer*innen von Rollstühlen zugänglich, eine barrierearme Toilette ist im Gebäude nebenan und wird kenntlich gemacht sein
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Spanisch statt, aber es wird eine Simultanübersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische mithilfe von Kopfhörern geben.

🎨 @alekamedina @laschatitas_

Queer Rage!
 Queer Perspectives on Extractivism 

a poster with an illustration showing colorful homes and people. They are holding signs in spanish

04.07.2023 – 19:00 @ Spreefeld Berlin Raum 2
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin (map)

As part of the @iqpberlin and a series of events during this month, the collectives @facqberlin, @colectivo.mawvn, @quarcberlin and invite you to the talk “Queer Perspectives on Extractivism”. We will have two guests joining us via internet from the Wallmapu (Mapuche territory currently known as the south of Chile and Argentina): musician and activist Eli Wewentxu, and trans writer and visual artist Kütral Vargas Huaiquimilla. Both will tell us about their experiences and political perspectives on extractivism, considering the defence of their bodies and territory.

Free admission
Stay for a conversation and a drink after the talk 🍹
The space is wheelchair accessible, and there is a barrier free toilet in the building next door.
The event will be in Spanish, but we will have simultaneous translation into German and English (with headphones).

🎨 @alekamedina @laschatitas_

مهرجان أفلام كويرية يحتفي بصانعات وصنّاع اﻷفلام الفلسطينيات/يين

بكل فخر تقدم لكمنّ QUARC،BaP، وفلسطين بتحكي النسخة اﻷولى من مهرجان أَثَرْ للأفلام،
وذلك في آل برلين يوم الثلاثاء 4 تشرين اﻷول 2022.

Continue reading “مهرجان أفلام كويرية يحتفي بصانعات وصنّاع اﻷفلام الفلسطينيات/يين”